After a few months does not in-revision, ultimately Smadav AntiVirus 2009 Portable Indonesia has in the revision / update. But programmer Smadav akan try from Rev. 4 will continue to update Smadav at least once a week. Tertundanya revision Smadav Rev 2009. 4 because the programmer Smadav absent for a month of programming, because the world must follow the test is important. And finally in May this new programmer can resume development Smadav a massive ( So, Smadaver not futile to wait for 3 months, because Rev Smadav 2011. 3 that during the last 3 months have reported some bugs, everything has been fixed in Rev Smadav 2011. 4 this. Not only that, the Rev. 4 this Smadav just had a new technology in the antivirus world, Smad-Lock, its function to lock the flash so that you almost can not be infected with the virus again.
Here is a 2011 completion Smadav Rev. 5:
* Setting Smad-Lock in the Tools -> Lock-Smad
* The database techniques and thorough cleaning for 75 new local virus
* Full Support for Unicode
* Recommended Regisrasi Smadav Pro
* The Settings feature so easy to configure Smadav
* The use of English as
* Lock-Smad far more perfect
* No more ads to Rev 5 and onwards
* File Size Smadav diperkecil 300 KB 250 KB in order to become more portable and lightweight
* Changes in how to do the update on the scanner, "check for update"
* Pendeteksian many new registry that can not be detected before
* Completion techniques pendeteksian registry
* Murder the virus better
* Heuristic Level in "virus-1 by user" more sensitive and sharp.
* Site move the server from the United States to Indonesia, to more quickly and easily accessed
* Repairs to the error message "0" and the message "0,1,2,3,4"
* Repairs display some form
* Smadav akan fewer errors because of better handling akan
* Repairs storage quarantine that sometimes error
* Registry String> 255 long error
* Repairs are sometimes a percentage of
* Repairs to fail to detect the bug Drive "A: \" on some PC
Click below to get Smadav 8.7 2011
Download Smadav rev 8.7
Download Smadav rev 7.5
Download Smadav 2009 Rev 5
Download Smadav 2009 Rev 4.3
Download Smadav 2009 Rev 4.1
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Title Post: Download SMADAV 2011 Terbaru AntiVirus Portable
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Author: Borneo08
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Rating: 100% based on 9999989 ratings. 98 user reviews.
Author: Borneo08
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung di blog ini, Jika ada kritik dan saran silahkan tinggalkan komentar