Download SMADAV 2011 Terbaru AntiVirus Portable

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Rev Smadav 2011. 5 was far more perfect from the preceding, Rev. 4. Very much improvement and the new features added in this revision. And also added an introduction and thorough cleaning to 75 local new virus and its variants-variannya. New features that rely Smadav this feature Registration is. Smad-Lock, Flash Disk, you is almost impossible after the virus infected more locked by Smadav.

After a few months does not in-revision, ultimately Smadav AntiVirus 2009 Portable Indonesia has in the revision / update. But programmer Smadav akan try from Rev. 4 will continue to update Smadav at least once a week. Tertundanya revision Smadav Rev 2009. 4 because the programmer Smadav absent for a month of programming, because the world must follow the test is important. And finally in May this new programmer can resume development Smadav a massive ( So, Smadaver not futile to wait for 3 months, because Rev Smadav 2011. 3 that during the last 3 months have reported some bugs, everything has been fixed in Rev Smadav 2011. 4 this. Not only that, the Rev. 4 this Smadav just had a new technology in the antivirus world, Smad-Lock, its function to lock the flash so that you almost can not be infected with the virus again.

Here is a 2011 completion Smadav Rev. 5:


* Setting Smad-Lock in the Tools -> Lock-Smad
* The database techniques and thorough cleaning for 75 new local virus
* Full Support for Unicode
* Recommended Regisrasi Smadav Pro
* The Settings feature so easy to configure Smadav
* The use of English as


* Lock-Smad far more perfect
* No more ads to Rev 5 and onwards
* File Size Smadav diperkecil 300 KB 250 KB in order to become more portable and lightweight
* Changes in how to do the update on the scanner, "check for update"
* Pendeteksian many new registry that can not be detected before
* Completion techniques pendeteksian registry
* Murder the virus better
* Heuristic Level in "virus-1 by user" more sensitive and sharp.
* Site move the server from the United States to Indonesia, to more quickly and easily accessed


* Repairs to the error message "0" and the message "0,1,2,3,4"
* Repairs display some form
* Smadav akan fewer errors because of better handling akan
* Repairs storage quarantine that sometimes error
* Registry String> 255 long error
* Repairs are sometimes a percentage of
* Repairs to fail to detect the bug Drive "A: \" on some PC

Click below to get Smadav 8.7 2011

Download Smadav rev 8.7

Download Smadav rev 7.5

Download Smadav 2009 Rev 5

Download Smadav 2009 Rev 4.3

Download Smadav 2009 Rev 4.1

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Title Post: Download SMADAV 2011 Terbaru AntiVirus Portable
Rating: 100% based on 9999989 ratings. 98 user reviews.
Author: Borneo08

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