1.Pekerjaan as Marketer of Takaful Greater Than Khumrin Na'am
What khumrin na'am? Khumurin naam is red furry camel is a symbol of the best property owned by Arabs in the time of the Prophet Muhammad.
Depicted in the hadith that invites others to do good "fit" with the guidance of Allah SWT, will get a "reply" better than "khumrin na'am." In the insurance context, invite other people to be insured in accordance with the guidance of Islamic sharia, is included in the "invite others to do good fit
with the guidance of Allah SWT.
Rasulullah SAW said, "By Allah, if Allah gives guidance to one person through you it's better for you than red camels. (Narrated by Bukhari)
Misinterpretation of meaning khumrin na'am hadith according to the experts:
That camel (hairy / skinned) red. He is the most precious treasure for the Arabs
2.Pahala The Continuous Flow
God will reward that never will be interrupted on people who are "prospecting" others to do good, as long as the person to practice what we teach. The concept of goodness in Islam is that all good deeds will be rewarded with good, too. And prospecting for other people in Islamic insurance, is a form of inviting others to do good.
In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim in Shahihnya Prophet SAW said:
"From Abu Hurairah ra, Rasulullah SAW said," Whoever took on a good, then he will get a reward like the rewards that follow it without reducing the reward that person at all. And whoever took on an evil then he will get a sin as the sin of sins of the people follow him without prejudice to the slightest. "(Narrated by Muslim)
3. "Fadhilah" friendship
Among the consequences of marketing is a "must" make the prospect of one person to another and from one place to another. The more people who diprospek and more and more places to go, the more "benefits" received. So a marketing sharia is someone who most prospects and God willing the most well clossingnya.
One of the benefits of friendship is "roomy rizkinya" and "longevity".
In a hadith the Prophet SAW said:
From Anas bin Malik said that Rasulullah SAW said, "Those who seek rizkinya dipalangkan and perpetuated his good name, then he should" connect "silaturahimnya rope.
(Narrated by Bukhari)
4.Mendatangkan blessing
When a transaction (read; clossing) on one object, then Allah will give blessings to the "process clossing" is, as long as done in "compliance" with the sharia.
Compliance is a minimum must meet two criteria;
Kejalasan (not gharar)
So "ujrah" from "clossing" obtained by marketing, not only worth kosher, but more than that, ujrah also BERKAH.
In a hadith, the Prophet SAW said:
From Hakim bin Hizam ra, the Prophet Muhammad that he said, "Two sellers and buyers should do khiyar long as they have not split up. If both are true (honest) and describes the condition of the goods (which are traded), then both will be blessed in jaul purchasing. And if they hide and lie, then the sale will be abolished blessings purchasing. (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
5.Diampuni Sins
Another benefit is extremely valuable to a marketing sharia is, get forgiveness from Allah SWT for his sins. Since the marketing of sharia, he worked in the framework of Islamic sharia mensyiarkan, lawful work and bring blessing and invite people to do good righteous within the scope of Takaful. Moreover, marketing Sharia not only "works", but he also preached to the guidance of Allah SWT.
In a hadith narrated:
Whoever the afternoon sitting exhausted because of work already done, so he got the afternoon was his sins forgiven by Allah SWT. (Narrated by Tabaraani)
6.Dijanjikan Heaven.
Marketing sharia, given the glad tidings by the Prophet Muhammad in the form of "jannah". He will be gathered together the prophets, and martyrs shiddiqin '.
Described in a hadith:
An honest business people who can be trusted anymore, (later to be collected) with prophets, and martyrs shiddiqin '. (Narrated by Turmudzi)
So for those who have not memarketingkan peer to peer (mensyiarkan) Takaful is now time to start it, make sharia as part of the resurgence of Islamic Economics In particular, and Islamic Revival in Area Self.

Title Post: Advantages Working As Insurance Marketer
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