You Are The "Insurance Company"

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How many "Insurance Company" in Indonesia? Have you counted? If you answered that there are twenty-seven (27) then you are wrong, and if you answer more than fifty (50) but less than one hundred (100) is still different, less than two hundred (200) still wrong, so how many companies actually life insurance operating in Indonesia today? certainly more than 237jt life insurance companies operating in Indonesia (census 2010), wow fantastic numbers right? but I'm sure this figure will continue to decline in the future.

Where did the numbers that much? Any life insurance company, where his name and address? you may wonder and ask questions? without meaning to confuse you, and indeed we can not mention life insurance companies one by one, because the numbers are too much. but one is certain that we are not making this up - there.

This article we picked up purposely because the people of Indonesia at this time we found some pretty interesting facts as follows:

* Currently awareness Indonesia for insurance is increasing, as evidenced by more than 50% prospect that we call the average already have life insurance, of course it is inversely proportional to the era of the late '90s and down, is this a good news?
* After digging further, 80% of them did not know clearly what products they buy what are the benefits obtained, lho koq can? it can, its reality is so wong
* Try to imagine the product and the benefits just do not know how they could know whether the life insurance and benefits that they buy have been insufficient and are in accordance with the requirements?
* How to calculate the sum assured will be discussed next diartikel, but in general needs of the sum insured is usually calculated from the average expenditure per month times 12 (months) times 10 (years), whether the money your insurance coverage has been calculated correctly?

So what do the facts above by the number of life insurance companies operating in Indonesia? ok, here's the analogy do you know if you do not have life insurance then you actually have life insurance in which case the insurance company it is your own life, all risks arising out of your own bear. how do you think? if you want to bear the risk themselves or better risk shared equally by the collection of people that much more? This wise decision in your hand, for info about life insurance that fits your needs

Title Post: You Are The "Insurance Company"
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Author: Borneo08

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